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Sisters, it is time to shed the layers holding you back and reconnect with your inner truth.  


May 12-18, 2024


Nestled inside the mountains of Cusco, Peru we are holding an intimate sistercircles event, with a twist.  This quantum healing retreat will be a powerful transformational journey to connect deeper with our feminine, heal, connect with one another and oursleves and combine the powers of quantum healing with phsyical wellness and body healing. 


Feminine embodiment

This divine space is your you to connect with your inner Goddess, it is with intention that I created these journals, imbued with magic and love, and my vision is that you will feel the poisitivity and love radiating from it everytime it is close, because you will use the space to write with love and gratitude.


Quantum Healing  

The pages have been laced with poetry and words to remind you of your value, worth and to encourage that love to bloom inside of you.  The words are from my heart chakra, to yours. 


Alchemising health and fitness with inner healing 

This space is for you to alchemise, create, be magic itself, to help you map out and create the reality of your dreams.  These pages are a place for real magic to incarnate. Use them with intention. 

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